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Why you should consider a NO-CODE development platform


No Code Platform Considerations

As our business environments become ever more complex and peoples time ever more precious the need for tools that can deliver solutions quicker and more cost effectively has never been more important. Enter the age of the NO-CODE development platform, where technical or non-technical workers can quickly and inexpensively create custom apps that solve everyday business challenges and where more and more companies are embracing this alternative method of software development.

The Team Konnect Rapid Application Development platform employs a NO-CODE development engine that enables businesses to build business solutions, either simple or highly complex and all without the need for a single line of code.

Let’s look at some of the reasons that organisations around the world are choosing to work with NO-CODE development platforms.

Development costs and budget management

One of the biggest challenge’s facing a business with any software development project is the time it takes to get a working product or prototype into the end users’ hands. If proper due diligence is not performed and a comprehensive and accurate ‘Product Requirements Document’ (PRD) produced, then even when the product is released it may fail to meet the original objectives. If the solution is being custom coded, then this can become a very expensive exercise and the bigger the project the bigger the financial risk to the business.

The most common reasons that software development projects go over budget is because of undocumented and omitted features or change requests to the original specification by end users. Check out our other block covering “Why Do Software Projects Fail?”

One of the major advantages of adopting a NO-CODE platform like Team Konnect is the speed at which a product or prototype can be delivered to the end user, sometimes in days instead of months. Change requests and rework can also be easily managed saving significant costs to the business in terms of time and money and ensuring that the project budget is maintained.

Reducing the reliance on expertise

Historically, organisations have struggled to address their inefficient business processes because replacing these solutions required a level of expertise that may not be available within the company. Even the most basic of solutions requires the user to produce some form of ‘Product Requirements Document’ (PRD) which is used to communicate everything that should be included in the product release from the end user’s point-of-view.

The challenge here is that users can find it difficult to fully articulate their needs which can then result in the wrong solution being delivered.

No-Code platforms like Team Konnect are ideal in these situations as even users with no process experience can build out solutions to meet their needs. What’s, even more exciting, is that even if they get things wrong, the solutions built can be easily restructured in no time at all, at no additional cost.

Improving efficiencies within the workplace

Inefficiencies exist in every business today where employees perform repetitive tasks using tools that are not fit for purpose. It is staggering to see how so many companies in today’s age of technology still rely on ‘paper-based solutions’ to complete many of the steps within their business processes. While paper may seem quick, easy and cheap as a front-end solution it introduces enormous inefficiencies at the backend and when you analyse the time wasted, the costs to an organisation can be enormous.

One the other hand, NO-CODE platforms like Team Konnect enable organisations and their employees to replace these inefficient paper-based processes with structured solutions and all at incredible speed, driving efficiencies and reducing business process costs.

Breeding an environment based on success

There is no better motivator for employees than when they get recognition for their contributions towards a successful project implementation no matter how small. In these types of environments, employees are motivated more than ever to seek out new and innovative ways to improve business processes within their areas or departments. What’s more, colleagues and co-workers begin to see the benefits of these improved business processes and soon a collaborative approach to problem solving evolves within the organisation.

Connected improves productivity and collaboration

Employees today are very innovative with many of them constantly seeking out new ways to improve the way they manage their daily tasks. They find new and obscure features within the applications they use that helps them to be more efficient and save time, but these efficiencies are only effective in isolation where only the lone employee benefits.

We all know that one of the most commonly used applications across the globe is the humble spreadsheet, used my millions to manage all types of data, from the basic data list to the most complex sheets containing millions of rows of data, pivot tables and charts. But all these spreadsheets operate as silos, disconnected from each other and are inefficient from a collaborative and connected perspective.

NO-CODE platforms like Team Konnect are ideal replacements for these spreadsheet silos and offer greater flexibility and problem solving. Once the data silos are migrated, they can easily be connected to create business process solutions improving productivity and better collaboration.

Reduce security risks with single sign-on and two factor authentication

Placing your business data in the cloud cannot be taken lightly as the onus has firmly switched in favour of the consumer and with new regulatory protocols like Europe’s GDPR its now the clear responsibility of each business to manage and protect all the sensitive data they manage from exposure. Every business must consider ‘Privacy by Design’ to be at the very core of every solution they deploy that contains or manages sensitive or personal information.

The Team Konnect platform has been designed with security in mind at its very core. Single Sign On is provided out of the box through integration with an organisations Active Directory or Office365 environment and two factor authentication can also be enabled to provide the highest levels of security and compliance.

So how can organisations develop this type of environment that encourages employees to become their own problem solvers.

One of the simplest methods of developing these types of environments is to put NO-CODE solutions like Team Konnect in the hands of your employees. Once deployed, you can sit back and watch the magic happen.

ERS IT Solutions have been developing robust software applications for over 20 years and have an impeccable reputation for delivering successful projects on time and on budget. Our newly released Team Konnect Enterprise rapid application development platform is one of the new generation of NO-CODE platforms that enables businesses to create business applications for both web and mobile platforms in days instead of months all without the need for writing any code.

Why not contact us today for a demonstration and see how Team Konnect Enterprise can dramatically increase the successful delivery of your software application requirements.

To learn more about how your business can benefit from our Team Konnect Rapid Application Development Platform contact us by email @ demo@teamkonnect.com for a demonstration or call +3531-8859500 and ask for a member of the Team Konnect team.

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